Thursday, November 30, 2006

More school staff, American and British not Saudi.
Teachers from my school talking. We are in another siting room for guess.
Yes this is a water fountain in the middle of the room.

These are the treats they gave us to eat.
This is the living room.
The resting area of the dinning room.
The sitting area of the dinning room.
A view from the 4th floor of the pool.
The guess sitting room.
I am still in the living room. it's at least 3 floors. Actually in some places it's 3 and in other areas it's 4.

The house

This house was built in the traditional style.
This is the living room. Yes it is a swimming pool in the middle of the living room.

In the SCUBA classroom

I am in the class too, but I am the one taking the pictures.

Me in class with my wonderful students.
One of my students helping with the dive class.

First beach dive into the Red sea

Dive instructor

Master diver and other instuctor.

Our first Boat dive in the Red Sea

Scuba Club

Our First boat dive in the Read sea.

Horse Riding and SCUBA clubs